Happy Hour

Film Cincinnati is co-hosting a crew virtual happy hour with Kristen Schlotman and Bob Igoe of I and Eye Productions.

Thursday, August 6,

from 5:00-6:00 PM EST

Staying connected is important now more than ever, so please register and join us on Thursday to get together with the Cincinnati production community.

Special guest, Scott Durban, will tell us about returning to set in a COVID-19 world. He will let us in on what he's seeing out in the field, unique precautions he's implementing, and his insight into the evolving set dynamic. He's learned to pivot and attack projects from different standpoint than he was in a pre-COVID world. Scott has a multitude of insight to share since returning work, and we can't wait to hear from him.

You can also expect roundtable discussion, Q&A, and the opportunity to chat with old friends.

Be sure to register, mark your calendars, and sip away cocktails with us next Thursday. We can't wait to see you!